Other training
We also offer a wide range of other training designed to help traumatised children and to prevent and manage different types of challenging behaviour.
Post Crisis Response.
A one day programme for managers in residential, foster care, or in schools. Post incident supervision. How to support staff after an incident and help everyone learn from what’s happened. The role of the supervisor as the on the job trainer.
Designing Refresher Training.
How to provide refresher training that keeps a training programme alive and fresh. The differences between primary and refresher training. Refresher training as problem solving and skill development.
TCI for children with learning disabilities.
Adapting the TCI programmes for children with learning disabilities including autism.
Making Individual Crisis Management Plans.
The importance of the functional analysis of behaviour. Writing clear, concise plans that include: potential triggers, what behaviours to expect and the strategies for dealing with different behaviours as the child escalates. Writing plans that can evolve as we learn more and the child’s behaviour changes.
Adapting the Life Space Interview for proactive behaviour.
A debriefing, counselling technique for helping young people control calm, goal orientated aggression.
Conflict resolution.
Helping young people arrive at collaborative solutions to problems.
Violence at work.
A one day course for anyone who might work with aggressive people. Understanding, preventing and managing violence.
We also provide training on preventing and managing workplace abuse and bullying. See Training on preventing and managing workplace abuse and bullying
Post Crisis Response.
A one day programme for managers in residential, foster care, or in schools. Post incident supervision. How to support staff after an incident and help everyone learn from what’s happened. The role of the supervisor as the on the job trainer.
Designing Refresher Training.
How to provide refresher training that keeps a training programme alive and fresh. The differences between primary and refresher training. Refresher training as problem solving and skill development.
TCI for children with learning disabilities.
Adapting the TCI programmes for children with learning disabilities including autism.
Making Individual Crisis Management Plans.
The importance of the functional analysis of behaviour. Writing clear, concise plans that include: potential triggers, what behaviours to expect and the strategies for dealing with different behaviours as the child escalates. Writing plans that can evolve as we learn more and the child’s behaviour changes.
Adapting the Life Space Interview for proactive behaviour.
A debriefing, counselling technique for helping young people control calm, goal orientated aggression.
Conflict resolution.
Helping young people arrive at collaborative solutions to problems.
Violence at work.
A one day course for anyone who might work with aggressive people. Understanding, preventing and managing violence.
We also provide training on preventing and managing workplace abuse and bullying. See Training on preventing and managing workplace abuse and bullying